About K. D. Wakefield

K. D. Wakefield was born in Springfield, Illinois and moved to Indiana the summer before third grade. No one town can claim to be where she grew up, as her family moved a lot up until she became an adult.

In one of these many small towns, K. D. had the joy and privilege of an amazing public library. It fed her love of books at an early age, and as a teen she read nearly a book every day. She was quite disappointed when adulthood cut into her beloved reading time, and she only averages around four books a week.

As you would expect of an author, K. D.’s favorite past time is reading and writing. When not plucking away at her keyboard, or stuck with her nose in a book, her Nook, her Kindle, or one of the eReader aps on her phone, she loves to spend time with her family. Her nieces and nephews are among her most favorite people, and her number one goal is to be their favorite aunt. (Don’t tell her sisters)

K. D. also loves to take photographs of nature. (You can check out the some of photos on here) She also enjoys video games with the Zelda series as her favorite. In fact she states that she keeps her Nintendo consoles up to date specifically for the Zelda games alone.